• How does a session look and work?

    The various realms of consciousness and the action of the quantum wave contain unlimited potentiality for your material experience and exist beyond the domain of time and space. As such, sessions do not need to be conducted face to face to work. I work with clients over the phone, online, or in absentia (meaning, the client makes an appointment for energy work with specific problem areas identified but does not participate during the session, getting a detailed report following the work performed). Most clients choose to participate during the session over the phone or through Zoom. Sessions are relaxed, enlightening, creative, and often invigorating. As scientific as the explanations behind the work are, the techniques used to collect energy “data” and then elicit transformation appear to be abstract and often playful. Much of the information gathered regarding the root causes of your issues come from a set of charts or statements and specific techniques called dowsing and applied kinesiology or muscle testing. 

    An added benefit to having energy work done is that the more we increase these frequencies, the less likely we will entrain (to be drawn in) to problems that hold lower frequencies. Releasing those discordant and lower frequencies and replacing them with higher, more vibrant, coherent, and complex patterns potentially yield conditions that feel rooted, nourished, and wholesome. The systems and modalities function very well as complementary protocols. Clients, physicians, and therapists report conditions clearing up much faster than they would have ordinarily with conventional therapies alone. However, distance energy sessions are not a substitute for medical treatment or for the medical advice of your physician.

  • Really, how can distance energy sessions possibly work?

    (Excerpt from Living from the Heart by Mark Greenia)

    Experiments in quantum physics have shown that certain particles affect each other at great distances with no apparent connection between them. Physical proximity is not required since energy transcends time and space. Three principles support the efficacy of distance energy work:

    1. Interconnectedness:

    The old world views of separate and solid objects reacting upon one another and the Newtonian deterministic laws of nature have dissolved, and a new understanding that the entire universe appears as a dynamic web of inseparable energy patterns has emerged. The observer is always included in this world of wave-like patterns and interconnectedness in a very essential way. At the sub-atomic level, the tiny vibratory energy quanta that make up all matter and energy respond to the focused intent of the observer. Focused intent is an aspect of consciousness which exists outside of time and space but can influence effects in time and space.

    2. Non-Locality of Events:

    State of the art scientific equipment advances have allowed us to probe more deeply into phenomenon that previously could not be explained by the current theory. Experimentation has demonstrated that sub-atomic particles are connected in some way that transcends time and space, so that anything that happens to one particle instantaneously affects other particles. It does not need “time” to be transmitted, nor does the energy “travel”. So as the practitioner makes a focused intent at the source point, the resonant effect takes place simultaneously at the point of reception which may be a remote location.

    3. Heart Connection:

    During a distance energy session, the practitioner connects through the field of the heart at the soul level to the person receiving the session. This is a beautiful and powerful connection that responds to the loving intent of the practitioner, regardless of the distance involved.

    I work with clients internationally who have experienced remarkable results from their sessions. Even those who prefer to work in absentia (not participate at the time of their session) report all manner of positive change in their lives.

  • Do I need to believe in this for it to work?

    This kind of work can be very effective on animals, babies, and children as well as unconscious or seriously ill people. These clients hold no conscious belief or intent for positive change and don’t consciously realize energy work is being performed on their behalf. If you are unsure but are at least willing to be willing, with even the tiniest of faith in the process you will have opened the door to your consciousness in a way that can move mountains. Nothing is impossible.

  • Is energy work contrary to my religion? OR I’m not a religious or spiritual person. Will this be weird or off-putting to me? OR Is this stuff New Age?

    First and foremost, I use energy modalities that apply principles of quantum physics to healing. These are modalities that work for anyone, regardless of beliefs. Unlike drugs (which deal with issues at a molecular level) or talk therapy (which deals with emotional issues by discussing problems with a trained counselor and then evolving solutions to resolve them), this approach addresses issues at the level of energy of the biofield and subconscious and unconscious mind. It also relates to how all living things are infused with and surrounded by subtle fields of energy. Leading writers in quantum philosophy (e.g., Fritjof Capra, David Bohm, John Wheeler, and Paul Davies) interpret quantum theory from a philosophical perspective that mind produces matter. The “physics of consciousness” is now a significant and respected branch of quantum theory.

    Since this work operates in the realms of things not seen, place holders represent abstract, intricate, and complex energy patterns. These place holders may be words, stories, symbols, or images. Once identified, they can be cleared, corrected, or enhanced. The shifting energy comes about with both conscious intent and grace.

    Often my religious clients are concerned about how I retrieve intuitive information. I only work with my High Self, the aspect of Self connected to the Divine. One may consider this the Holy Spirit. I do not channel information or guidance from any other source. I also do not insert my own or control any aspect energetically. My role is to be a good detective and identify what aspects need to be addressed. It's then the High Self (Holy Spirit) that heals.  

    As is true with most things in life, there can be more than one interpretation of observable reality. Some people take issue with “energy healing” because they believe it is a philosophy more compatible with Eastern mysticism than anything else. Also, much is written about energy healing in the New Age movement. From a Biblical point of view, Genesis 1:28 says that God gave human beings the authority to rule over creation. 

    Of course, anything in creation can be used by human beings for good or bad ends. Anything, including energy, can be used to destroy or to heal. The modalities used in my practice use energy to heal. Energy healing is a blessing. To deny its use because of the fear that those with beliefs different from ours use it is to deprive us of a gift. 

    I make every effort to be conscientious about using the language and approach that is comfortable and compatible with each client’s perspective. Although no religion is the basis for this work, clients who desire to use and understand some of the work’s spiritual and scientific underpinnings may undoubtedly get that if they wish.

  • How is this work different than other healing techniques?

    Finding the energetic frequencies at the root cause of whatever problems or issues you are experiencing and then deleting, clearing, or correcting from that point of origin is the primary goal. This work is more in the realm of what is popularly called “energy psychology,” and the root cause of most issues can be traced to different levels of the conscious and subconscious mind. Clearing or correcting discordant patterns at the root is profoundly more helpful than shifting them at the point of observation. No form of hypnosis is used at Holofield Healing. Also, unlike Reiki and other touch therapies, there is no touch involved, and energy is not being “run” through the practitioner to you. Also, I do not consider myself a “healer.” I am a skilled facilitator, assisting my clients as they align with their own highest good, thereby experiencing their own healing or positive change.

  • What kinds of issues or problems can you help?

    Really, all manner of issues can be addressed energetically. Energy work can help resolve issues regarding health and pain; emotional well-being and self-esteem; mental blocks and learning problems; anxiety, fears, and phobias; relationship issues; career challenges; blocks to creativity and abundance; clarity of life purpose or spiritual growth. It can improve energy, function, and performance, promote the body’s ability to heal itself, improve or eliminate pain and disease, reduce stress, release negative emotional energy stored from old wounds, trauma, and mistaken beliefs and generate more appropriate responses to stress. This work helps create peace of mind, calmness, and a sense of well-being. It can improve mental clarity, concentration, alertness, and memory as well as create greater awareness of self, others, and one’s connections to the world. Enhanced perception, intuition, and even clairvoyance can be experienced as a result of using this work.

  • Can I have energy work along with other treatments I am receiving?

    Absolutely! Energy work complements any treatment that you are currently receiving. Many clients report that their physicians or therapists are in awe at how much more quickly these patients responded to treatment than expected.

    However, distance energy sessions are not a substitute for medical treatment or the medical advice of your physician.

  • Will I feel anything during a session?

    Maybe. Everyone’s experience is unique. Individuals have varying sensitivities to energy. Some may not feel anything at all, while others may experience various sensations: energy flowing through their body, spontaneous movement, muscle twitches, sensations of heat or cold in different parts of the body, or complete relaxation. A few clients fall asleep! (Rest assured, you don’t have to be awake to receive the benefits.) Some may see images, colors or visions, or long-forgotten memories spontaneously come to mind. Emotional release, laughter, or feelings of relief, expansion, or lightness may occur.  On accasion a few, who have released a considerable amount of dense energy, may have a temporary feeling of tiredness. The body needs time to catch up with the new, higher frequency coherent patterns that now thrive within the body-mind system. If you feel tired after a session, this is totally normal. Rest. Take a nap if you can. More rarely, some may feel a sense of emptiness. While the old patterns may have been difficult and even painful, it is what we may have become accustomed to, and the release may feel like a loss. Although it is quite rare for this to happen, give yourself permission to grieve the loss of your old way of being and take it easy. Keep your thoughts on the positive aspects of your life and envision your heart’s desire as though it is already so. If you do not begin to feel better after a few days, be sure to let me know.

  • Will a session with you fix my problem?

    Maybe. There is no way to know ahead of time how effective an energy session will appear to be for your situation. I have found from experience both as a practitioner and a receiver of energy work outcomes that seem like apparent miracles can occur with just one session, or multiple sessions over time may be needed to observe a noticeable change. Also, some people experience immediate change, while for others, the movement of change may be so subtle that weeks later, they may be experiencing dramatic positive change but have completely forgotten that a problem ever existed. The speed and degree of positive change experienced are influenced by the level of comfort your subconscious has to perceive change as well as the number of layers of energetic issues that keep your problems in place. When a problem seems to have gone away but then returns later, the causal factors may be completely different or anchored in another layer or level of consciousness that has opened up. These may need to be addressed energetically again if the problem does not resolve on its own. Some issues may require multiple sessions because of the number of reasons holding the problem in place.

  • What if I have had a session and don’t notice any change or improvement?

    As a receiver of energy work, it is crucial that you are willing to notice what is different.

    If you keep looking at your reality in the same way, with your focus on “the problem,” indeed, you will find it. On the other hand, if you can observe from a neutral point of view, without judging [and without “gripping”] for a desired outcome, expanding your awareness to notice even the tiniest of changes, you will have opened a door. Behind this door is a vast awareness of infinite possibilities called “The Field.” This field is waiting to embrace you and bring you into a higher resonance for positive change in your life–Richard Bartlett, D.C., N.D.

    Also, take a look at any resentments or unforgiveness you might be carrying, as this can also affect how effectively you experience positive change. If this is an area that is difficult for you to release, we can address it energetically and through coaching. While many will notice an immediate change and others observe it as a gradual process, if you feel you’ve been earnest to be aware of any change, have addressed resentment or unforgiveness, and haven’t seen or felt anything, please contact me. It may be that only a few more “pieces” need to be cleared or corrected to bring a shift, or outside energetic influences may need to be identified and removed. Know, too, that profound shifts could be taking place under the surface of your awareness which have not yet presented in an observable way. As with traditional western treatments, additional sessions may be needed to experience significant change. A variety of causes may be keeping a problem in place. As some of these are energetically cleared or corrected, other origins may surface.

  • What is the client’s role in the healing process?

    I recommend taking a holistic approach when experiencing imbalances in any aspect of life and making choices that support a more balanced lifestyle. Our physical, mental, and emotional pain and discomforts are symptoms of something out of balance. We may be experiencing physical issues because we have abused the body through an unhealthy diet, undue stress, lack of sleep, or limited exercise. Likewise, imbalances manifest when mental, emotional, or spiritual needs are not being met. Energy work and spiritual healing can create a tremendous opportunity for more wellness, peace, and prosperity. While it is possible to completely heal or reverse damage or symptoms through advanced spiritual healing, in most cases, physical, mental, and emotional damage should be alleviated first through physical measures or treatments. For example, suppose a person has chronic bronchitis or a lack of mental focus, or a paralyzing phobia due to a spiritual root cause. In that case, it needs to be treated at the physical level with medicine or natural remedies, or practiced at the mental level using mindfulness or mental strategies, or addressed at the emotional level with a therapist. The spiritual root cause needs to be alleviated by spiritual means/modalities.

    Spiritual healing and energy work can sometimes appear to be pretty impressive in creating shifts of positive change. However, spiritual healing and energy work are not magic bullets, nor should they be intended to serve as band-aids or a one-time-fix. Overall wellness and wholeness are highly valued and can only truly be accomplished when people take responsibility for their own lives. Achieving optimal health, more peace of mind and feelings of wholeness cannot be fully achieved without making conscious and concerted efforts to change our mindset and the way we choose to perceive the world.

    Overall wellness, wholeness, and personal power are maintained not only through physical, mental, and emotional health and well-being but also through spiritual beliefs and values. Every individual must set out on a journey of discovery, searching for more answers and more awareness to live better, be healthier, and strive for wholeness of body, mind, and spirit. A person who embraces the desire to find wholeness within his/her own being soon learns the importance of tending to relationships, caring for the planet and our environments, having compassion for all humankind, accepting and tolerating differences among a diverse population of people, and most especially, practicing forgiveness. 

Wellness that is being allowed—or the wellness that is being denied—is all about the mindset, the mood, the attitude, the practiced thoughts. There is not one exception, in any human or beast; because, you can patch them up again and again, and they will just find another way of reverting back to the natural rhythm of their mind. Treating the body really is about treating the mind. It is all psychosomatic. Every bit of it, no exceptions. 


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