

Susan Newman is one of the most gifted and talented healers of energy that I’ve ever known. She has a great gift; she seems to know how to get to the “core” of an issue or problem by getting into the energetics of it. She is a very compassionate and loving spirit, an awesome healing presence on this planet!

Reenie Carmack, Kansas City, KKFI Eco Radio/Alternative Medicine Talk Show Host

You will be amazed (but maybe not surprised) that almost all of my back pain and right leg pain was gone when I got up today. I was so shocked and SO HAPPY. I went down the steps from our bedroom to the first floor, no pain, no limping, no struggles, no insistent dull ache. I had coffee and sat down on the sofa. No pain. No pain when I got up. I was in complete amazement. The whole day has been like this. Almost all of the leg pain is gone. There is only a “little something”… maybe a faint something…. and now just some “tag ends” of tight muscles here and there… I CANNOT THANK YOU ENOUGH FOR THE SESSION YESTERDAY THAT PROMPTED ALL OF THIS RELEASE OF MUSCLE TENSION AND PAIN. It is a total “blow me away” moment. I waited the whole day to email you - since I wanted to make sure I wasn’t dreaming this up. Oh gosh, what a miraculous thing. The Punishment Program is gone, along with all the other things that were released!! I am so grateful to have my life back and feel relief. Thank you, Susan. Wow.

CG,  North Carolina

Susan is a gifted Resonance Repatterning practitioner and the sessions I have received from her are always powerful and uplifting. Her warmth, gentle acceptance, and mastery of Resonance Repatterning have allowed me to relax and enjoy the process as it unfolds, and to shift deep patterns that have stood in the way of me moving forward in my life. I deeply appreciate

Susan's gentle guidance, knowledge and wisdom. She is always welcoming, respectful, professional, and has an amazing talent for combining her intuition with her knowledge and the RR process to guide and support my sessions. I am deeply grateful to be receiving such amazing sessions from her!"

Sophia, Sao Paulo, Brazil

I would like to say that it was not only a pleasure, but also an honor to work with you yesterday. I found our session quite enlightening, which also helped me to confirm certain things that I felt but could not necessarily arrive at any conclusions. At the onset of the session, I began to feel a slight tingling in my head which little by little turned into a faint throbbing migraine like pain. I believe that once you began to clear channels, the pain went away. In addition to this, there was a point that I also felt hot and needed to turn on the ceiling fan. A few hours after the session, I was quite sleepy; when I finally went to sleep, I slept like a newborn baby. My God, crawling out of bed the next was not on my to do list... LOL. The day after the session, I had this strange feeling... I would describe it as being super relaxed, carefree, as if I had been dipped in baby oil, and everything just slid right off. I just thought about what Doris Day used to sing “qué será, será”. It's like I have a totally different outlook. As I mentioned, the best word to describe the feeling is carefree: no elevated hopes nor feeling of despair; it's like I'm on cruise control... very calm. I look forward to scheduling another session to tackle a couple of other points. 

SA, Florida

I met Susan when I was in a major shift in my life. I had been a mother to four and married for over 20 years when I suddenly found myself an empty nester and divorced all at once. I also had so much pain and hurt from previous life experiences, and so much fear that I couldn’t move forward. I was stuck and needed to find a way to trust myself to be the person I wanted to be. I’ve had many energy sessions with Susan as there were so many layers of my life that I needed to look at and address on the invisible level of energy in order to shift my life in the direction that now makes me fulfilled and happy. I feel certain that my accomplishments would not have come without this work. I bought my first house as a single woman, assisted my children in creating their own abundant lives, met and married the gentlest of souls who clearly loves me and supports all my hopes and dreams. Now we are working on shifting my business to its next perfect place. My creativity has burst wide open. I have discovered that I am artistic and have become a successful and prolific fiber artist! You can’t see Susan enough! 

MS, California

I’ve had three RR sessions with Susan. Each time I experienced a deep emotional release followed by a feeling of certainty and a sense of overall well-being. The sadness and deep grief I had felt with the loss of my dear sweet mother was replaced with love and acceptance. After my diagnosis with cancer, Susan helped me work through uncertainty, fear and anger. I reached an understanding and acceptance for my diagnosis and found a sense of peace before the treatments began. Most importantly, the experience and its impact are still with me 9 months later. I trust Susan immensely and so appreciate her patience, help and guidance. I believe so deeply in the power of her work, I’ve gifted her services to others.

RR, Wisconsin

Thank you very much for today’s session. I always come away from our sessions feeling rejuvenated and gain more insight into my experience over time within the universe. I appreciate the clearing, healing and knowledge/self awareness as I continue to work on progressing and moving forward in a positive light. 

CO, Kansas


Thank you so much. Right after our Resonance Repatterning session I was so giddy I was jumping up and down inside. Now the best way to describe it, I feel centered, grounded, and much lighter. Thank you for that. I look forward to working with you again.

CT, Lone Jack, Missouri

Hi Susan,
I have to laugh at this line in your last email to me. “Be looking for even the tiniest of shifts, as they will continue and expand.” I'm laughing because the tiny shift was so damn big that I hardly recognize myself! And the shifts will continue to expand? Oh my God, I may not be able to stay in my same skin! It's so awesome! I have a feeling of endless expansiveness now, where before all I was feeling was limited, angry and sad. My husband and I are doing so well, and I know it has only been a short while, but it might as well have been a lifetime. I feel more in love with him now than I think......ever! Can you say CONTRAST? I feel more in love with myself, too. Your work helped me access something so fast that it's making my head spin, in a good way. I did always believe I had all this in me, it just seemed fenced in and unreachable. I am so proud of myself for manifesting your guidance, abilities and just awesomeness into my life. It has truly changed me forever, and I hope you feel forever validated. Your work is so powerful combined I guess with my desire to shift that these results feel almost unimaginable. I hope you don't mind hearing from me from time to time. I love to share the joy and I am just so darn appreciative I could burst. So much love to you.

KB, Kansas

I am so very grateful to you, Susan, for your valuable gifts of healing. Each time that I work with you on an issue that I am facing, I come away feeling immense relief, peace and ease because the issue either resolves or completely dissolves. You have a masterful way of communicating your profound intuition and vivid imagery to me, and I’m always amazed at how spot on your process is in helping me shift my resonance to a higher, more coherent state of being. Your wisdom and support are greatly appreciated.

NR, Cambria, California

Tears are flowing, healing is happening! I feel a release from deep inside my soul. Like an explosion of emotion of gratitude for life itself!  And in that is everything from all this life’s experiences. The pain the sorrow the love the anger… all of it moving upward being released. Truly, it was a healing that happened within me—within an instant all was released. Your work is powerful. Thank you.

Patti Sherwin, South Lake Tahoe, CA   

I recently moved to a new location on a large property with 3 rental houses. The previous owner had let everything go, and new owners took over and began tending to things, all the time, even to monitor the lawn crew. While it was nice to see the needed improvements, I was also uncomfortable, because any time I stepped outside there were strangers and/or the owners working. To top off the zero privacy, the people in the house next door were ALWAYS on their porch, which didn't matter if it was 7a.m. or midnight. Strangely, my house felt like a magnet, meaning being stuck to the premises and it even felt like such a chore to drive somewhere else. I wanted to spend time outside in the sun and fresh air, but I would have no privacy and so once again, the magnet inside the house called.

Following Susan's property clearing, there were some noticeable changes. I didn't change anything about my routine and one of my cats who spent all her time in my bedroom, out of the blue became affectionate and now seeks me out in the living room every day! The 2 other houses that are on the property overnight had their residents change! I believe the ones living on their porch were evicted. Still, it is so peculiar that both of them switched and it was not at the end of the month or beginning of the month when people typically change locations. The owners also have not been on the property since the clearing! The lawn crew came yesterday and it was the first time the owners weren't here, but they managed to trim and then burn the limbs and do a thorough job without them. I wanted privacy and boy did that happen! I run errands now without feeling like the house/land is a magnet.   

SVP, Texas

Susan's method of energy work has helped me in different areas of my life. I had gone to my first session with Susan for depression and I noticed some excellent results after one session. At the time, there was a situation in my life that kept me constantly worried, sad, and feeling helpless. I was crying daily and not sleeping much. Within about four days after my session, I noticed a great shift in energy and positive results. My situation did not change, but my way of dealing with it did change. I was able to stop crying and worrying and was able to put on a cheerful face and deal with the situation in a much better way. Because of the excellent results from this experience, I decided to go back to Susan to ask for help with my allergies. I have had severe allergies all my life and had been taking medication daily for them. With Susan's help, my suffering of allergies became diminished and I was able to stop taking prescription medication for them. I know that each of us has a situation or problem in life that we could use help with and I strongly recommend Susan's healing techniques. I believe that anyone could benefit from this method.

MER, Olathe, KS

I have known Susan for about 12 years. She has been there with me through major changes in consciousness. I rely on her in happy times and in sad times. Susan is VERY accurate when she does readings or clearings for me or my family. This is her Gift, to sense blockages, interpret them, and invite the Divine Light and Love of God to come and clear it. My only part has always been staying in that space to make the healing stick. I hope your sessions with her are as meaningful and life-changing as they have been for me. Namaste,

Jo Mesh-V., Kansas

I appreciate the phenomenal session with you. As a result, my husband and I had a powerful break and shift. It occurred just the next day. It was major. Please know you are a powerful, gifted healer and thank you so, so much.

Michelle, California

When I first came at the high recommendation of a friend, I was confused, not focused, unbalanced and I felt like I didn’t belong here. With Susan’s help, I was able to move the blockages so clearly out of my path, to walk forward again. I felt like I belonged, finally. And I was grounded. Susan’s energy is kind and loving and her Divine guidance knows right where to go. I saw Susan quite a few times to process new layers that became blocked as old patterns fell away. I could feel the work processing though many levels: my physical body as well as my emotional and mental states. I could really feel it working. I was so joyfully happy with my results that I had Susan work on my children. I observed their energies shift for the better even though they had no idea the work was done for them. I recommended her to my other friends. Susan was always available to help me and give me understanding as we moved my blockages. I was so excited about this work that I enrolled and participated in one of her classes. Besides being fun, I learned skills and techniques I could use to help myself and others.

LT, Alabama

As a fellow energy practitioner, I understand the principles used, but when I have the most urgent or serious issues I come to Susan for assistance. Each time I have received immediate and extraordinary results. Interestingly, some of these results have been regarding my beloved dog. Once he ate a rather large piece of wicker which showed up on the x-ray at the emergency vet. The vet said he needed immediate surgery, also costing thousands of dollars, which I did not have. I had them hold on while I consulted with Susan. She did a quick distance energy session and I then persuaded the doctors to do another x-ray. Reluctantly, they agreed, to find no sign of wicker anywhere. They were flabbergasted! They called it a miracle and exclaimed they’d never seen anything like this before. A few years later my “baby” was extremely sick—not eating, not eliminating for almost a week. Initial blood work and symptoms all pointed to cancer. Euthanasia was strongly recommended by the vet. Instead I took him home and called Susan for energy work. The minute I got off the phone with the session, he got off his bed and began to eat, went right outside and eliminated for the first time in a week. That was several years ago and he has been fine ever since. I have done enough work myself to completely embrace the relevance and power of energy work. I am so thankful to know there are practitioners such as Susan who can facilitate such dramatic transformation.

AE, Missouri

My mother has been practicing energy work for over half my life! Throughout various changes and challenges in my life, I have been fortunate to have benefited regularly from her coaching, intuition, and incredible energy work. I have fully transcended a multitude of circumstances ranging from severe stomachaches to relationship issues, to changing negatively skewed perspectives on life itself! One of the most profound shifts came when I was dealing with an unfair, anxiety inducing professor. Every student in the classroom was constantly on pins and needles as the fear of failing or being humiliated in class was huge for everyone. Mom did an energy clearing for me in relation to this situation I was experiencing. Not only did everything look different for me,  literally, it also seemed as though this professor became a different person—fair, more compassionate and kind. The entire class noticed the difference. I now enjoy a positive, professional relationship with this professor. I am always amazed as to how she can so clearly communicate her energy work to me in the moment, and I am able to understand and physically FEEL the shifts that are taking place! With the assistance of her gift, I have cleared away physical, emotional and spiritual blocks which have ultimately helped me achieve a beautiful and positive life! My mom's insight, compassion, and wealth of knowledge are absolutely incredible. Besides just being a great mom, I know that I would not be where I am today without her brilliant work and loving spirit!

Taylor Newman

I have worked with Susan professionally for 12 years and known her as a friend for almost 20 years now. We have taken classes together, studied together, practiced together, been mothers, wives, sisters, allies and friends to each other through life's ebbs and flows. I have watched Susan grow as she has added new tools to her education. One of her greatest strengths is that she retains and assimilates the information she learns then utilizes it with clients in unique and profound ways. We began studying together in 1999, and by the year 2003 she had already integrated most of the information she had absorbed into an easier, more concise version and was teaching a class, "Processes for Positive Change." Her education background creates a very organized method of delivering information to her students. We have all experienced a desire to receive guidance or assistance on our journey through this lifetime and been disappointed or frustrated when our voice is not heard. I am lucky to say, Susan, for me, is the friend and life coach who has heard me, without personal agenda or preconceived ideas. She listens and has an uncanny ability to receive intuitive guidance to soothe, recap, and visualize a new bird's-eye view that I would never have thought possible! With Great Gratitude,

JM, Kansas

You are a special person with so many gifts, and your voice speaks with such peace and honesty. Thank you for the insightful session!

Jan D, Kansas City

I would HIGHLY recommend Susan Newman to anyone considering “energy healing” or who is looking for a coach to assist them in making a positive shift in their life. Susan has this wonderful ability to tap into streams of consciousness and to go right to the Source where the shift can happen. Susan assisted me at a time of crisis when my newly born granddaughter had serious complications. I called her early that morning, and she immediately performed a distance energy session on this little baby and called me with the information and understandings. What Susan shared with me made perfect sense and matched the situation at hand. This gave my granddaughter the ability to move towards a new direction of wholeness and perfect health rather than a life-threatening illness. This little baby pulled through this serious health challenge very quickly, and I attribute much of this to the work that Susan did. Susan is a true professional who is compassionate and who has a profound gift and connection to assisting humanity to a place of Wholeness when one feels less than whole. I’m very blessed to have such a lovely friend and Healer.

Denise Brown, Overland Park, KS

I have known Susan for a very long time and have seen her develop into a skilled and gifted energy practitioner. I am also aware of the magnitude of varied education she has received and her hunger to learn as much as she can. The way she meshes together these methods, techniques and knowledge along with her intuition and interpersonal skills is very effective. Although she is not a counselor, Susan has provided me with insight and awareness that has aided me in making conscious changes in my life. With her intuition, she can take a little bit of information and intuit the big picture or read the invisible dynamics going on within a person, a relationship or a situation. Besides working on an energy level, she can put it all together and then communicate in a way that provides clarity and understanding and promotes healing – physically, emotionally and spiritually. She has the natural ability to educate without indoctrinating. With Susan I always feel fully accepted without any judgment and her presence and calm demeanor provides trust and comfort.

Mary E, Kansas

When my son turned 6 he developed an inexplicable fear of riding in the car. It continued to get worse over time and became especially pronounced when driving on a highway. One evening while on our way to an important event out of town, he became hysterical and inconsolable. Stopping or turning around was not an option. Since I knew Susan personally, I called her for parental advice. She suggested doing a clearing which she conducted while continuing to talk to me. Within a few minutes he calmed down completely. Interestingly enough, he never expressed another fear of riding in the car again.

NW, California

My son and some friends were looking for an apartment in the surrounding New York City area. They experienced many difficulties over a several day period and were dealing with real estate brokers whose reputations were questionable at best. After hitting roadblock after roadblock and getting close to finding the right property only to fail again, we enlisted the assistance of Susan Newman. The energy work that she performed remotely on our son, his friends, their future landlord and the entire situation was in one word….incredible. Within hours of her energy session, we had swift resolution and found the perfect location, apartment, and property manager. Events became uncanilly seamless and fell into place with ease. Susan’s gentle and positive nature radiated through to me and my son and the incredible stress we had felt in the midst of this situation was abated. I would highly recommend Susan for anyone seeking positive resolutions to whatever situations are troubling them. She truly has a gift for helping people.

DLA, Clifton Park, NY

Right after we talked last week on the phone, I was amazed to find out my husband had received an email from a local company requesting an interview! The timing suggested to me a breakthrough of sorts! This will be the first time he has interviewed for something in his field since his lay off. Thanks for sending the healing vibes and please continue to do so! I’ll let you know what happens with the interview!

KR, Iowa

My husband and I just went for a walk to enjoy this beautiful sunny day. During the walk he told me multiple stories of business things he has been working on which finally came to a positive resolution just this week since the clearing. Having felt frustrated with roadblocks in his business, yet skeptical of clearing work before his appointment, he had said before the clearing that he was thinking that if anything good happened after the session that the clearing would get all the credit. We thought that that was ok, and we’ll never know if anything would have turned out positively without it anyway. But he is now about 90% believing that it’s due to you. That’s a big swing from him being skeptical before the clearing. So thanks again for your clearing!!

Anne, Chicago, IL

Susan Newman has been doing clearing work for me, my family and friends since 2002. I believe the clearing work she has done saved a friend’s life and a family member’s life. One of my friends had peritonitis and had received three surgeries to clean out her system. The surgeries did not work. On the day of her fourth and final surgery, Susan did an energy clearing on my friend. This final surgery worked. Susan found something that needed to be cleared and my friend later confirmed what she found. I have also received amazing clearing work from Susan and I am grateful. She is a very intuitive, heart-centered person.

KM, Overland Park, KS

Last night after my session, I stayed up until 12 with my son, a rare treat. I didn’t notice any particular feelings yet at that time, then this morning when I finally rolled out of bed, I majorly could tell the fog had lifted! Like I was back! I showered (sorry but had really not cared about personal grooming at all for days!) and instead of dreading getting in the car or having to go out and water the plants in the 10,000 degree heat I am not feeling negatively about doing that today. And I ran some errands. Thank you so much!!!!!!     
P.S., I wanted to tell you, another interesting change has happened to me as well since my previous session. For about 6 years straight I was obsessed with having to wear these 1½ inch circular silver hoop earrings, of which I went through many pairs. I tried to wear other earrings or go without, but immediately had to put those back in, even to swim or shower in! My obsession disappeared after the clearing and I was able to go without earrings as well as be able to wear the pretty new ones given to me over the years that I seemingly just could not get myself to wear before! This was an interesting side effect.

Sara, Houston, Texas

Thank you for this session. Interestingly enough, I had an immediate sense of relief as we were closing our conversation; like joy in my heart. You are blessed to have this gift and I feel blessed that you have shared it with me.

DR, Illinois

Whatever clearing you did must have helped my son, too, because he came home from work and said it was the first day in weeks that he didn’t have any shred of a headache and even went for a run!!!! He had been coming home and sleeping every day for weeks. He was like a new guy today, Susan. I am reminded how important it is to feel good and healthy and am particularly thankful and exuberant that I feel that way today and that I can pass on that energy to the women I work with at the shelter tonight!! Thanks for your help with that, Susan!!! 

Deb, New York

Your follow up email was a bright spot in my day…thank you! First of all, for even taking the time to write back! Secondly, to check into my energy fields and do some additional clearing…it was enlightening and encouraging. Thanks also for some very positive suggestions! I have the book The Four Agreements…I LOVE that book and you have reminded me to re-read it! I really appreciate the time you took to write back and offer so many suggestions. I feel hopeful!!! 


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